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High Schools, Secondary Schools in Polokwane

High Schools, Secondary Schools in Polokwane

Comprehensive listing of High Schools, Secondary Schools in Polokwane, Limpopo



To have your contact details listed please click here

Business Name:



Best Performers College

+27 15 295 4109
+27 78 428 1934


PEPPS Polokwane College

+27 15 263 6236

+27 15 263 6285




Alapha Secondary

+27 84 641 6818

+27 84 641 6818

Bahlaloga Secondary

+27 15 221 0038

+27 82 435 6774

Bakone Nkwe Secondary

+27 83 431 4154

+27 83 431 4154

Bakwena  Senior Secondary

+27 72 252 4536

+27 72 252 4536

Bataung High

+27 84 692 5721

+27 84 692 5721

Bodiela Secondary

+27 72 950 8124

+27 72 950 8124

Boikhutsong Senior Secondary


+27 84 977 3909

Bokamoso Senior Secondary

+27 15 223 6888

+27 82 229 6787

Bosakgo Secondary

+27 72 446 6574

+27 72 446 6574

Botsholla Secondary

+27 15 221 1360

+27 73 279 1967

Botsikana Secondary

+27 15 224 0131

+27 82 361 9497

Capricorn High

+27 15 295 9333

+27 82 445 6783

Chakga Junior Secondary

+27 72 178 7488

+27 72 178 7488

Chechema Secondary

+27 73 133 3256

+27 73 133 3256

Chika Senior Secondary

+27 82 798 2558

+27 82 798 2558

Chueue Kgolo Secondary

+27 15 662 0010

+27 72 483 1649

Dikobe Molaba Secondary

+27 82 432 4872

+27 82 432 4872

Dikoloi Secondary

+27 83 237 5996

+27 83 237 5996

Dinao Secondary

+27 83 505 6004

+27 83 505 6004

Dithebele Secondary

+27 82 670 3558

+27 82 670 3558

Dithothwaneng Secondary

+27 13 265 7994

+27 83 501 1425

Ditsepu Secondary

+27 73 690 7789

+27 73 690 7789

Dr. A.M.S. Makunyane Secondary

+27 15 233 5969


Dr. M.J. Madiba Secondary

+27 82 594 9034

+27 82 594 9034

Fedile High

+27 15 527 1184

+27 82 953 9484

Fetakgomo Senior Secondary

+27 15 622 0104

+27 72 360 5013

George Tladi Technical High

+27 15 505 0688

+27 72 961 4574

Gerson Ntjie Secondary

+27 72 835 6842

+27 72 835 6842

Hans Komane Secondary

+27 72 235 8549

+27 72 235 8549

Hoerskool Noorderland

+27 15 297 3208

+27 82 561 5271

Hoerskool Pietersburg

+27 15 297 3201

+27 83 365 2403

Ipopeng Secondary

+27 76 199 1599

+27 76 199 1599

J.H. Moloto Secondary

+27 15 229 0178

+27 83 412 9047

J.K. Tabane Secondary

+27 15 634 0218

+27 82 440 7132

Joel Sibasa Senior Secondary

+27 15 224 1094

+27 82 352 6163

Kedishi Secondary

+27 73 463 1425

+27 73 463 1425

Ketudi High

+27 84 478 4195

+27 84 478 4195

Kgabo Secondary

+27 83 350 0560

+27 83 350 0560

Kgadimo Secondary

+27 82 315 6183

+27 82 315 6183

Kgagatlou Secondary

+27 15 634 0162

+27 84 258 9911

Kgalema Senior Secondary

+27 73 219 3678

+27 73 219 3678

Kgalushi Secondary

+27 72 198 9351

+27 72 198 9351

Kgarahara High

+27 15 527 1718

+27 83 773 1847

Kgerepi Secondary

+27 15 505 0301

+27 82 699 3500

Kgoke Secondary

+27 72 122 3110

+27 72 122 3110

Kgokonyane Secondary

+27 82 714 9070

+27 82 714 9070

Kgokwana Secondary

+27 72 461 2455

+27 72 461 2455

Kgolokgotlha Ledwaba Secondary

+27 82 220 3954

+27 82 220 3954

Kgoloko Senior Secondary

+27 13 265 1389

+27 82 432 3100

Kgolouthwana Secondary

+27 15 505 0009

+27 72 235 8682

Kgopudi Secondary

+27 82 736 9252

+27 82 736 9252

Kgwadiamoleke Secondary

+27 82 467 4943

+27 82 467 4943

Kgwaratlou High

+27 15 634 0300

+27 84 505 3071

Khaiso High

+27 15 223 6450

+27 76 394 0187

Khwinana Secondary

+27 73 144 4228

+27 73 144 4228

Klaas Mothapo Secondary

+27 76 390 4202

+27 76 390 4202

Kola Leboho Secondary

+27 82 404 8139

+27 82 404 8139

Kopano Secondary

+27 15 632 4040

+27 76 684 3555

Kwena-A-Peu Secondary

+27 82 224 4026

+27 82 224 4026

Lebowa Kgomo Senior Secondary

+27 15 632 5734

+27 82 962 8139

Legare Senior Secondary

+27 13 260 7063

+27 13 260 7063

Lehaiwa Senior Secondary

+27 72 610 1976

+27 72 610 1976

Lehlaga Secondary

+27 15 632 4246

+27 83 536 9887

Lekentle Secondary

+27 76 814 7393

+27 76 814 7393

Lengama Senior Secondary

+27 13 265 1284

+27 76 734 6135

Leshikishiki High

+27 15 651 0031

+27 73 246 8903

Letheba Secondary

+27 73 172 7906

+27 73 172 7906

Letswalela Bahlaloga Secondary

+27 82 353 1968

+27 82 353 1968

Mabea Senior Secondary

+27 82 591 6416

+27 82 591 6416

Machaka Robert Mamabolo Secondary

+27 82 706 2256

+27 82 706 2256

Madikweng Senior Secondary

+27 72 222 4178

+27 72 222 4178

Madipoane Secondary

+27 82 475 1615

+27 82 475 1615

Maditsi High


+27 82 042 1942

Mafoufale Secondary

+27 83 998 4817

+27 83 998 4817

Magaedisha High

+27 15 618 0027

+27 82 436 4661

Mahlabela Secondary

+27 82 576 2230

+27 82 576 2230

Mahlase Senior Secondary

+27 82 254 2518

+27 82 254 2518

Mahlogedi Secondary

+27 82 701 9083

+27 82 701 9083

Mahwibitswane Secondary

+27 15 651 0048

+27 83 310 6283

Maimane Secondary

+27 72 224 4285

+27 72 224 4285

Mainganya Secondary

+27 15 975 1709

+27 82 436 4282

Maisha High

+27 15 266 0334

+27 82 447 4544

Makadimane Secondary

+27 72 611 8694

+27 72 611 8694

Makgato High

+27 82 388 5013

+27 82 388 5013

Makgobaketse Secondary

+27 82 537 1590

+27 82 537 1590

Makgofe High

+27 15 233 5106

+27 82 361 8937

Makobateng Secondary

+27 82 811 1466

+27 82 811 1466

Makoko Secondary

+27 82 702 4897

+27 82 702 4897

Makome Secondary

+27 76 612 2815

+27 76 612 2815

Makopole I Senior Secondary

+27 72 622 8267

+27 72 622 8267

Malatswa High

+27 73 643 3959

+27 73 643 3959

Maleboho Senior Secondary

+27 76 014 0729

+27 76 014 0729

Malengine Secondary

+27 82 515 3294

+27 82 515 3294

Malusi Secondary

+27 15 505 0104

+27 83 351 5351

Mamafa Secondary

+27 15 527 2012

+27 15 527 2012

Mamagogo High

+27 15 662 0500

+27 72 252 1704

Mammoka Secondary

+27 72 376 0538

+27 72 376 0538

Mamodikeleng Secondary

+27 83 390 6195

+27 83 390 6195

Mamokgari Secondary

+27 15 618 0013

+27 82 080 2669

Mamokutupi Secondary

+27 82 922 4670

+27 82 922 4670

Mamolemane Secondary

+27 15 229 0423

+27 82 967 1117

Mamone Secondary

+27 72 204 1555

+27 72 204 1555

Mankgakgatla Senior Secondary

+27 73 419 7856

+27 73 419 7856

Mankoeng High

+27 15 267 7004

+27 73 313 1201

Manoe Secondary

+27 15 505 7027

+27 72 226 2026

Manoshi Senior Secondary

+27 15 266 0030

+27 82 216 4339

Maowaneng Secondary

+27 82 399 9018

+27 82 399 9018

Mapale Senior Secondary

+27 82 808 3165

+27 82 808 3165

Mapeloana Secondary

+27 82 224 2512

+27 82 224 2512

Marumofase Community High

+27 15 593 0229

+27 83 730 9420

Masealama Secondary

+27 76 504 4442

+27 76 504 4442

Masedi Secondary

+27 83 109 6281

+27 72 582 2113

Mashaha Secondary


+27 73 211 0645

Mashiane High

+27 82 825 6381

+27 82 825 6381

Mashianyane High

+27 72 063 8604

+27 72 063 8604

Masobe Secondary

+27 15 618 0012

+27 72 639 0350

Mathabatha Secondary

+27 15 229 0251

+27 83 589 9429

Mathethaledwaba Secondary

+27 72 431 2082

+27 72 431 2082

Mathomomayo Senior Secondary

+27 72 354 8545

+27 72 354 8545

Mathukana Secondary

+27 82 773 2898

+27 82 773 2898

Matime Secondary

+27 15 634 0162

+27 82 856 4258

Matshele Secondary


+27 82 253 3044

Matsimela High

+27 82 360 2644

+27 82 360 2644

Matsuokwane Secondary

+27 72 587 5752

+27 72 587 5752

Matswake Secondary

+27 15 571 5237

+27 82 518 6523

Matuma Secondary

+27 82 808 3162

+27 82 808 3162

Milente Secondary

+27 83 871 4995

+27 83 871 4995

Mmakopi Secondary

+27 83 597 4841

+27 83 597 4841

Mmalotlo Senior Secondary

+27 82 323 2291

+27 82 323 2291

Mmamafa Senior Secondary

+27 15 229 1781

+27 82 924 4638

Mmamehlabe Sinior Secondary

+27 83 338 3341

+27 83 338 3341

Mmamolope Senior Secondary

+27 82 353 2357

+27 82 353 2357

Mmankogaedupe Secondary

+27 82 350 4235

+27 82 350 4235

Mmantshako Secondary

+27 72 126 5998

+27 72 126 5998

Mmapadi Sen Secondary

+27 72 822 1629

+27 82 668 6229

Mmataledwaba Secondary

+27 82 350 7069

+27 82 350 7069

Mochedi High

+27 15 221 0109

+27 72 422 5015

Modipa Secondary

+27 83 573 5659

+27 83 573 5659

Modumela Secondary

+27 72 149 8226

+27 72 149 8226

Mogalatjane Mphahlele Secondary

+27 83 430 3843

+27 83 430 3843

Mogaputji High

+27 82 304 4780

+27 82 304 4780

Mohlakaneng High

+27 15 223 5218

+27 78 219 1953

Mohlotlwane Secondary

+27 83 368 9707

+27 83 368 9707

Mohumi Secondary

+27 73 159 9529

+27 73 159 9529

Mohwaduba Senior Secondary

+27 72 272 5247

+27 72 272 5247

Mokateng Secondary

+27 73 124 4079

+27 73 124 4079

Mokgorokgoro Secondary

+27 15 571 5059

+27 72 707 2127

Mokgorotlwane Secondary

+27 84 621 0042

+27 84 621 0042

Mokhulwane Secondary

+27 15 622 0491

+27 83 681 7861

Mokwatedi Secondary

+27 82 930 3439

+27 82 930 3439

Molautsi Secondary

+27 15 233 5296

+27 73 535 0962

Moloko Senior Secondary

+27 72 228 8462

+27 72 228 8462

Monare Secondary

+27 82 436 7768

+27 82 436 7768

Monyong Secondary

+27 82 814 1212

+27 82 814 1212

Moretlwe Secondary

+27 83 299 9033

+27 83 299 9033

Mosego Secondary

+27 82 457 8939

+27 82 457 8939

Mosepedi Secondary

+27 82 671 9038

+27 82 671 9038

Moshidi Secondary

+27 72 183 2329

+27 72 183 2329

Moshokoa Secondary

+27 82 347 9002

+27 82 347 9002

Moshubaba Secondary

+27 82 949 5257

+27 82 949 5257

Mosonya Secondary

+27 72 042 0756

+27 72 042 0756

Mothimako Secondary

+27 82 407 7490

+27 82 407 7490

Motjere High

+27 72 285 0411

+27 72 285 0411

Motlakaro Secondary

+27 72 496 4518

+27 72 496 4518

Motlalaohle Secondary

+27 15 527 2116

+27 83 476 9574

Motlishi Secondary

+27 72 475 2916

+27 72 475 2916

Mpatapata Secondary

+27 82 508 8921

+27 82 508 8921

Mphachue Secondary

+27 15 632 4196

+27 73 843 3943

Mphela Secondary

+27 84 259 8824

+27 84 259 8824

Mphele Secondary

+27 13 265 7860

+27 84 581 9419

Mphuma Secondary

+27 15 874 0012

+27 83 593 8388

Mpole Secondary

+27 82 352 4690

+27 82 352 4690

My Darling Senior Secondary

+27 72 495 6327

+27 72 495 6327

Nare Senior Secondary

+27 15 229 0453

+27 82 544 7265

Ncheleleng Senior Secondary

+27 82 320 9533

+27 82 320 9533

Ngakana Secondary

+27 72 444 1485

+27 72 444 1485

Ngwamorei Secondary

+27 82 859 3695

+27 82 859 3695

Ngwanalaka Secondary

+27 73 164 0479

+27 73 164 0479

Ngwanallela High

+27 82 358 0133

+27 82 358 0133

Ngwanamala Secondary

+27 83 444 1486

+27 83 444 1486

Ngwanaseala  Secondary

+27 73 955 2770

+27 73 955 2770

Nkgopoleng Bakone Secondary

+27 82 433 7260

+27 82 433 7260

Nkoshilo High

+27 15 267 7188

+27 72 744 8725

Nokanantshwana Secondary

+27 72 135 8572

+27 72 135 8572

Noko Secondary

+27 82 355 2608

+27 82 355 2608

Nokotlou Secondary


+27 76 578 3747

Northern Academy Secondary

+27 15 296 0974


Nthema Senior Secondary

+27 82 422 9070

+27 82 422 9070

O.R. Mabotja Secondary

+27 15 233 5195

+27 82 836 0342

Peter Nchabeleng Secondary

+27 83 589 6443

+27 83 589 6443

Phala Secondary

+27 15 292 1479

+27 15 292 1479

Phalatlou Secondary

+27 83 743 2363

+27 83 743 2363

Phasoane High

+27 82 941 1018

+27 82 941 1018

Phauwe Senior Secondary

+27 72 020 2646

+27 72 020 2646

Phokela Secondary

+27 82 933 3438

+27 82 933 3438

Phomolong Senior Secondary

+27 83 243 7922

+27 83 243 7922

Phophedi High

+27 83 985 6744

+27 83 985 6744

Phosane Secondary

+27 72 632 2441

+27 72 632 2441

Phumatla Secondary

+27 76 313 5422

+27 76 313 5422

Phuti Seopa Secondary

+27 83 429 6913

+27 83 429 6913

Phutitlou Secondary

+27 82 294 0872

+27 82 294 0872

Potlake Secondary

+27 84 999 9592

+27 84 999 9592

Radikgobethe Secondary

+27 82 715 6686

+27 82 715 6686

Radikgomo Secondary

+27 82 847 0825

+27 82 847 0825

Radira Secondary

+27 82 386 7261

+27 82 386 7261

Ralekwalana Secondary

+27 83 332 4784

+27 83 332 4784

Ramakanyane Secondary

+27 82 935 5652

+27 82 935 5652

Ramalawane Secondary

+27 72 322 9731

+27 72 322 9731

Ramatema Secondary

+27 72 490 9229

+27 72 490 9229

Ramathope Senior Secondary

+27 82 505 6773

+27 82 505 6773

Ramohlakana Secondary

+27 82 356 3462

+27 82 356 3462

Ramokgethi Secondary

+27 82 370 9518

+27 82 370 9518

Ramoshobohle High

+27 83 278 3086

+27 83 278 3086

Ramotshabi Secondary

+27 82 625 0715

+27 82 625 0715

Rampo High

+27 72 252 1892

+27 72 252 1892

Rapetswa Secondary

+27 82 564 1166

+27 82 564 1166

Raphatlha Secondary

+27 82 531 4731

+27 82 531 4731

Rasekgala Secondary

+27 72 152 8819

+27 72 152 8819

Rasema Secondary

+27 82 415 5819

+27 82 415 5819

Rekhutjitje Secondary

+27 72 833 0817

+27 72 833 0817

S.J. Van Der Merwe Technical High

+27 15 633 5411

+27 82 716 3860

Schoongezicht High

+27 82 258 1938

+27 82 258 1938

Seale Secondary

+27 15 399 7427

+27 82 401 1339

Sedimothole Secondary

+27 76 852 2664

+27 76 852 2664

Seemole Maraba Secondary

+27 82 777 4243

+27 82 777 4243

Segashife Secondary

+27 15 651 0048

+27 83 651 0048

Segopotje Secondary


+27 82 923 9488

Sehlola High

+27 83 692 8160

+27 83 692 8160

Seikgoni Secondary

+27 82 636 1814

+27 82 636 1814

Seiphi Secondary

+27 83 527 7199

+27 83 527 7199

Seipone Secondary

+27 82 434 1113

+27 82 434 1113

Sekate  Senior Secondary

+27 72 448 1734

+27 72 448 1734

Sekeleka Senior Secondary

+27 72 573 7640

+27 72 573 7640

Selamodi Senior Secondary

+27 82 626 1554

+27 82 626 1554

Selebalo Secondary

+27 83 729 1749

+27 83 729 1749

Seloutjo Secondary

+27 82 958 5407

+27 82 958 5407

Semaneng Secondary

+27 72 593 1028

+27 72 593 1028

Seo Secondary

+27 82 448 5692

+27 82 448 5692

Seolwana Secondary

+27 72 575 8000

+27 72 575 8000

Sephakabatho Secondary

+27 72 685 9929

+27 72 685 9929

Seripa Secondary

+27 72 243 4112

+27 72 243 4112

Serokolo Secondary

+27 15 619 0154

+27 72 987 9444

Shakoleng Secondary

+27 15 571 5271

+27 83 480 4934

Smart Kidz Pre-school

+27 72 345 1388


St. Bede Senior Secondary

+27 15 618 0120

+27 82 707 4242

St. Brendan'S Catholic Secondary

+27 15 527 2041

+27 82 499 5303

Tabudi Secondary

+27 82 952 5496

+27 82 952 5496

Tauphuti Secondary

+27 83 527 3463

+27 83 527 3463

Tema Secondary

+27 15 571 5273

+27 82 353 9632

Thagaetala Secondary

+27 84 982 4126

+27 84 982 4126

Thogoa Secondary

+27 72 233 9091

+27 72 233 9091

Tidima High

+27 15 527 0331

+27 72 234 0321

Tlou Secondary

+27 73 164 5703

+27 73 164 5703

Tlou-Matome Secondary

+27 72 471 5971

+27 72 471 5971

Tlouphuti Secondary

+27 83 748 1828

+27 83 748 1828

Tlourwe High

+27 15 632 4039

+27 73 246 9266

Tom Naude Technical High

+27 15 298 8710

+27 82 399 6992

Tsela Chueu Secondary

+27 72 267 6906

+27 72 267 6906

Tshebela High

+27 15 618 0044

+27 82 849 2005

Tshehlo Secondary

+27 15 651 0751

+27 72 243 9362

Tshenyane Junior Secondary

+27 82 296 2617

+27 82 296 2617

Tshukutswe High

+27 15 291 5752

+27 76 394 1146

Tumakgole Senior

+27 82 627 6110

+27 82 627 6110

V.P. Manthata Senior Secondary

+27 15 505 0389

+27 82 448 5667

Westenburg Secondary

+27 15 292 1437

+27 76 298 0100



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