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Comprehensive listing of High Schools, Secondary Schools in Polokwane, Limpopo
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Business Name:
Best Performers College
+27 15 295 4109 +27 78 428 1934
PEPPS Polokwane College
+27 15 263 6236
+27 15 263 6285
Alapha Secondary
+27 84 641 6818
Bahlaloga Secondary
+27 15 221 0038
+27 82 435 6774
Bakone Nkwe Secondary
+27 83 431 4154
Bakwena Senior Secondary
+27 72 252 4536
Bataung High
+27 84 692 5721
Bodiela Secondary
+27 72 950 8124
Boikhutsong Senior Secondary
+27 84 977 3909
Bokamoso Senior Secondary
+27 15 223 6888
+27 82 229 6787
Bosakgo Secondary
+27 72 446 6574
Botsholla Secondary
+27 15 221 1360
+27 73 279 1967
Botsikana Secondary
+27 15 224 0131
+27 82 361 9497
Capricorn High
+27 15 295 9333
+27 82 445 6783
Chakga Junior Secondary
+27 72 178 7488
Chechema Secondary
+27 73 133 3256
Chika Senior Secondary
+27 82 798 2558
Chueue Kgolo Secondary
+27 15 662 0010
+27 72 483 1649
Dikobe Molaba Secondary
+27 82 432 4872
Dikoloi Secondary
+27 83 237 5996
Dinao Secondary
+27 83 505 6004
Dithebele Secondary
+27 82 670 3558
Dithothwaneng Secondary
+27 13 265 7994
+27 83 501 1425
Ditsepu Secondary
+27 73 690 7789
Dr. A.M.S. Makunyane Secondary
+27 15 233 5969
Dr. M.J. Madiba Secondary
+27 82 594 9034
Fedile High
+27 15 527 1184
+27 82 953 9484
Fetakgomo Senior Secondary
+27 15 622 0104
+27 72 360 5013
George Tladi Technical High
+27 15 505 0688
+27 72 961 4574
Gerson Ntjie Secondary
+27 72 835 6842
Hans Komane Secondary
+27 72 235 8549
Hoerskool Noorderland
+27 15 297 3208
+27 82 561 5271
Hoerskool Pietersburg
+27 15 297 3201
+27 83 365 2403
Ipopeng Secondary
+27 76 199 1599
J.H. Moloto Secondary
+27 15 229 0178
+27 83 412 9047
J.K. Tabane Secondary
+27 15 634 0218
+27 82 440 7132
Joel Sibasa Senior Secondary
+27 15 224 1094
+27 82 352 6163
Kedishi Secondary
+27 73 463 1425
Ketudi High
+27 84 478 4195
Kgabo Secondary
+27 83 350 0560
Kgadimo Secondary
+27 82 315 6183
Kgagatlou Secondary
+27 15 634 0162
+27 84 258 9911
Kgalema Senior Secondary
+27 73 219 3678
Kgalushi Secondary
+27 72 198 9351
Kgarahara High
+27 15 527 1718
+27 83 773 1847
Kgerepi Secondary
+27 15 505 0301
+27 82 699 3500
Kgoke Secondary
+27 72 122 3110
Kgokonyane Secondary
+27 82 714 9070
Kgokwana Secondary
+27 72 461 2455
Kgolokgotlha Ledwaba Secondary
+27 82 220 3954
Kgoloko Senior Secondary
+27 13 265 1389
+27 82 432 3100
Kgolouthwana Secondary
+27 15 505 0009
+27 72 235 8682
Kgopudi Secondary
+27 82 736 9252
Kgwadiamoleke Secondary
+27 82 467 4943
Kgwaratlou High
+27 15 634 0300
+27 84 505 3071
Khaiso High
+27 15 223 6450
+27 76 394 0187
Khwinana Secondary
+27 73 144 4228
Klaas Mothapo Secondary
+27 76 390 4202
Kola Leboho Secondary
+27 82 404 8139
Kopano Secondary
+27 15 632 4040
+27 76 684 3555
Kwena-A-Peu Secondary
+27 82 224 4026
Lebowa Kgomo Senior Secondary
+27 15 632 5734
+27 82 962 8139
Legare Senior Secondary
+27 13 260 7063
Lehaiwa Senior Secondary
+27 72 610 1976
Lehlaga Secondary
+27 15 632 4246
+27 83 536 9887
Lekentle Secondary
+27 76 814 7393
Lengama Senior Secondary
+27 13 265 1284
+27 76 734 6135
Leshikishiki High
+27 15 651 0031
+27 73 246 8903
Letheba Secondary
+27 73 172 7906
Letswalela Bahlaloga Secondary
+27 82 353 1968
Mabea Senior Secondary
+27 82 591 6416
Machaka Robert Mamabolo Secondary
+27 82 706 2256
Madikweng Senior Secondary
+27 72 222 4178
Madipoane Secondary
+27 82 475 1615
Maditsi High
+27 82 042 1942
Mafoufale Secondary
+27 83 998 4817
Magaedisha High
+27 15 618 0027
+27 82 436 4661
Mahlabela Secondary
+27 82 576 2230
Mahlase Senior Secondary
+27 82 254 2518
Mahlogedi Secondary
+27 82 701 9083
Mahwibitswane Secondary
+27 15 651 0048
+27 83 310 6283
Maimane Secondary
+27 72 224 4285
Mainganya Secondary
+27 15 975 1709
+27 82 436 4282
Maisha High
+27 15 266 0334
+27 82 447 4544
Makadimane Secondary
+27 72 611 8694
Makgato High
+27 82 388 5013
Makgobaketse Secondary
+27 82 537 1590
Makgofe High
+27 15 233 5106
+27 82 361 8937
Makobateng Secondary
+27 82 811 1466
Makoko Secondary
+27 82 702 4897
Makome Secondary
+27 76 612 2815
Makopole I Senior Secondary
+27 72 622 8267
Malatswa High
+27 73 643 3959
Maleboho Senior Secondary
+27 76 014 0729
Malengine Secondary
+27 82 515 3294
Malusi Secondary
+27 15 505 0104
+27 83 351 5351
Mamafa Secondary
+27 15 527 2012
Mamagogo High
+27 15 662 0500
+27 72 252 1704
Mammoka Secondary
+27 72 376 0538
Mamodikeleng Secondary
+27 83 390 6195
Mamokgari Secondary
+27 15 618 0013
+27 82 080 2669
Mamokutupi Secondary
+27 82 922 4670
Mamolemane Secondary
+27 15 229 0423
+27 82 967 1117
Mamone Secondary
+27 72 204 1555
Mankgakgatla Senior Secondary
+27 73 419 7856
Mankoeng High
+27 15 267 7004
+27 73 313 1201
Manoe Secondary
+27 15 505 7027
+27 72 226 2026
Manoshi Senior Secondary
+27 15 266 0030
+27 82 216 4339
Maowaneng Secondary
+27 82 399 9018
Mapale Senior Secondary
+27 82 808 3165
Mapeloana Secondary
+27 82 224 2512
Marumofase Community High
+27 15 593 0229
+27 83 730 9420
Masealama Secondary
+27 76 504 4442
Masedi Secondary
+27 83 109 6281
+27 72 582 2113
Mashaha Secondary
+27 73 211 0645
Mashiane High
+27 82 825 6381
Mashianyane High
+27 72 063 8604
Masobe Secondary
+27 15 618 0012
+27 72 639 0350
Mathabatha Secondary
+27 15 229 0251
+27 83 589 9429
Mathethaledwaba Secondary
+27 72 431 2082
Mathomomayo Senior Secondary
+27 72 354 8545
Mathukana Secondary
+27 82 773 2898
Matime Secondary
+27 82 856 4258
Matshele Secondary
+27 82 253 3044
Matsimela High
+27 82 360 2644
Matsuokwane Secondary
+27 72 587 5752
Matswake Secondary
+27 15 571 5237
+27 82 518 6523
Matuma Secondary
+27 82 808 3162
Milente Secondary
+27 83 871 4995
Mmakopi Secondary
+27 83 597 4841
Mmalotlo Senior Secondary
+27 82 323 2291
Mmamafa Senior Secondary
+27 15 229 1781
+27 82 924 4638
Mmamehlabe Sinior Secondary
+27 83 338 3341
Mmamolope Senior Secondary
+27 82 353 2357
Mmankogaedupe Secondary
+27 82 350 4235
Mmantshako Secondary
+27 72 126 5998
Mmapadi Sen Secondary
+27 72 822 1629
+27 82 668 6229
Mmataledwaba Secondary
+27 82 350 7069
Mochedi High
+27 15 221 0109
+27 72 422 5015
Modipa Secondary
+27 83 573 5659
Modumela Secondary
+27 72 149 8226
Mogalatjane Mphahlele Secondary
+27 83 430 3843
Mogaputji High
+27 82 304 4780
Mohlakaneng High
+27 15 223 5218
+27 78 219 1953
Mohlotlwane Secondary
+27 83 368 9707
Mohumi Secondary
+27 73 159 9529
Mohwaduba Senior Secondary
+27 72 272 5247
Mokateng Secondary
+27 73 124 4079
Mokgorokgoro Secondary
+27 15 571 5059
+27 72 707 2127
Mokgorotlwane Secondary
+27 84 621 0042
Mokhulwane Secondary
+27 15 622 0491
+27 83 681 7861
Mokwatedi Secondary
+27 82 930 3439
Molautsi Secondary
+27 15 233 5296
+27 73 535 0962
Moloko Senior Secondary
+27 72 228 8462
Monare Secondary
+27 82 436 7768
Monyong Secondary
+27 82 814 1212
Moretlwe Secondary
+27 83 299 9033
Mosego Secondary
+27 82 457 8939
Mosepedi Secondary
+27 82 671 9038
Moshidi Secondary
+27 72 183 2329
Moshokoa Secondary
+27 82 347 9002
Moshubaba Secondary
+27 82 949 5257
Mosonya Secondary
+27 72 042 0756
Mothimako Secondary
+27 82 407 7490
Motjere High
+27 72 285 0411
Motlakaro Secondary
+27 72 496 4518
Motlalaohle Secondary
+27 15 527 2116
+27 83 476 9574
Motlishi Secondary
+27 72 475 2916
Mpatapata Secondary
+27 82 508 8921
Mphachue Secondary
+27 15 632 4196
+27 73 843 3943
Mphela Secondary
+27 84 259 8824
Mphele Secondary
+27 13 265 7860
+27 84 581 9419
Mphuma Secondary
+27 15 874 0012
+27 83 593 8388
Mpole Secondary
+27 82 352 4690
My Darling Senior Secondary
+27 72 495 6327
Nare Senior Secondary
+27 15 229 0453
+27 82 544 7265
Ncheleleng Senior Secondary
+27 82 320 9533
Ngakana Secondary
+27 72 444 1485
Ngwamorei Secondary
+27 82 859 3695
Ngwanalaka Secondary
+27 73 164 0479
Ngwanallela High
+27 82 358 0133
Ngwanamala Secondary
+27 83 444 1486
Ngwanaseala Secondary
+27 73 955 2770
Nkgopoleng Bakone Secondary
+27 82 433 7260
Nkoshilo High
+27 15 267 7188
+27 72 744 8725
Nokanantshwana Secondary
+27 72 135 8572
Noko Secondary
+27 82 355 2608
Nokotlou Secondary
+27 76 578 3747
Northern Academy Secondary
+27 15 296 0974
Nthema Senior Secondary
+27 82 422 9070
O.R. Mabotja Secondary
+27 15 233 5195
+27 82 836 0342
Peter Nchabeleng Secondary
+27 83 589 6443
Phala Secondary
+27 15 292 1479
Phalatlou Secondary
+27 83 743 2363
Phasoane High
+27 82 941 1018
Phauwe Senior Secondary
+27 72 020 2646
Phokela Secondary
+27 82 933 3438
Phomolong Senior Secondary
+27 83 243 7922
Phophedi High
+27 83 985 6744
Phosane Secondary
+27 72 632 2441
Phumatla Secondary
+27 76 313 5422
Phuti Seopa Secondary
+27 83 429 6913
Phutitlou Secondary
+27 82 294 0872
Potlake Secondary
+27 84 999 9592
Radikgobethe Secondary
+27 82 715 6686
Radikgomo Secondary
+27 82 847 0825
Radira Secondary
+27 82 386 7261
Ralekwalana Secondary
+27 83 332 4784
Ramakanyane Secondary
+27 82 935 5652
Ramalawane Secondary
+27 72 322 9731
Ramatema Secondary
+27 72 490 9229
Ramathope Senior Secondary
+27 82 505 6773
Ramohlakana Secondary
+27 82 356 3462
Ramokgethi Secondary
+27 82 370 9518
Ramoshobohle High
+27 83 278 3086
Ramotshabi Secondary
+27 82 625 0715
Rampo High
+27 72 252 1892
Rapetswa Secondary
+27 82 564 1166
Raphatlha Secondary
+27 82 531 4731
Rasekgala Secondary
+27 72 152 8819
Rasema Secondary
+27 82 415 5819
Rekhutjitje Secondary
+27 72 833 0817
S.J. Van Der Merwe Technical High
+27 15 633 5411
+27 82 716 3860
Schoongezicht High
+27 82 258 1938
Seale Secondary
+27 15 399 7427
+27 82 401 1339
Sedimothole Secondary
+27 76 852 2664
Seemole Maraba Secondary
+27 82 777 4243
Segashife Secondary
+27 83 651 0048
Segopotje Secondary
+27 82 923 9488
Sehlola High
+27 83 692 8160
Seikgoni Secondary
+27 82 636 1814
Seiphi Secondary
+27 83 527 7199
Seipone Secondary
+27 82 434 1113
Sekate Senior Secondary
+27 72 448 1734
Sekeleka Senior Secondary
+27 72 573 7640
Selamodi Senior Secondary
+27 82 626 1554
Selebalo Secondary
+27 83 729 1749
Seloutjo Secondary
+27 82 958 5407
Semaneng Secondary
+27 72 593 1028
Seo Secondary
+27 82 448 5692
Seolwana Secondary
+27 72 575 8000
Sephakabatho Secondary
+27 72 685 9929
Seripa Secondary
+27 72 243 4112
Serokolo Secondary
+27 15 619 0154
+27 72 987 9444
Shakoleng Secondary
+27 15 571 5271
+27 83 480 4934
Smart Kidz Pre-school
+27 72 345 1388
St. Bede Senior Secondary
+27 15 618 0120
+27 82 707 4242
St. Brendan'S Catholic Secondary
+27 15 527 2041
+27 82 499 5303
Tabudi Secondary
+27 82 952 5496
Tauphuti Secondary
+27 83 527 3463
Tema Secondary
+27 15 571 5273
+27 82 353 9632
Thagaetala Secondary
+27 84 982 4126
Thogoa Secondary
+27 72 233 9091
Tidima High
+27 15 527 0331
+27 72 234 0321
Tlou Secondary
+27 73 164 5703
Tlou-Matome Secondary
+27 72 471 5971
Tlouphuti Secondary
+27 83 748 1828
Tlourwe High
+27 15 632 4039
+27 73 246 9266
Tom Naude Technical High
+27 15 298 8710
+27 82 399 6992
Tsela Chueu Secondary
+27 72 267 6906
Tshebela High
+27 15 618 0044
+27 82 849 2005
Tshehlo Secondary
+27 15 651 0751
+27 72 243 9362
Tshenyane Junior Secondary
+27 82 296 2617
Tshukutswe High
+27 15 291 5752
+27 76 394 1146
Tumakgole Senior
+27 82 627 6110
V.P. Manthata Senior Secondary
+27 15 505 0389
+27 82 448 5667
Westenburg Secondary
+27 15 292 1437
+27 76 298 0100
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