Dr Modiba M.W Clinical Psychologist, B.A, B.A Hons M.A Clinical Psychology (UL), PhD(NWU)

Dr Modiba Mantwa has been in the psychology field since 1999, where she was engaged more in the psychometrics field. In 2000, she got involved in research psychology, research on issues pertaining to human behavior, and mental health promotion programmes at the University of Limpopo under the armpit of the Health Behaviour Research Unit, Psychology Department. It is during this research endeavor where she was working with people such as the psychology Professor and research expert, the renowned Prof Karl Peltzer, in collaboration with other African countries such as Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. In 2003 to 2006, she joined the South African Police Services (SAPS), psychology department, where she was involved mainly with proactive programmes for prevention of psychological problems/disorders among SAPS employees, and the ‘Train the Trainer’ programme where she was training unit managers on programmes such as suicide prevention and trauma debriefing. Since 2013 to date Dr Modiba is involved in training and supervision of clinical psychology students (interns).




Contact Info

● Tel: 083 547 9390
● Cell:
● Email: mantwaw@gmail.com

Physical Address

66 Plein Street


Products & Services

● Medical-Legal, Somatoform problems/disorders, Couching, youth development and empowerment
● IQ Assesment, Adjustment difficulties, Obsessive-compulsive problems/disorders
● School Placementt, Trauma Substance, Abuse Related Problems/Addictions Gender Identity Problems, Anger management
● Marital/Partner Problems, HIV / AIDS Counselling, Family Problems and Counseling Bereavement/Grief
